“我们的研究显示32.8% 或1550万名35-74岁人群中国总人口具边缘性或高胆固醇水平(≥ 200mg/dL),然而24.8%或1170万一样的人群具边缘性,高或非常高低密度脂蛋白水平(≥ 130mg/dL)。“
- * Global Status Report on noncommunicable disease 2010, World Health Organization (WHO); Global Atlas on Cardiovascular disease prevention and control – Published by the World Health Organization in collaboration with the World Heart Federation and the World Stroke Organization
- **He, et al. Serum Total and Lipoprotein Cholesterol Levels and Awareness, Treatment, and Control of Hypercholesterolemia in China, 2004:405-411